The contributions of Leah Lowri Rogers, to “Tilted” the 25th Liverpool Hope Degree show

This installation invites viewers to suspend their disbelief and enter the flat of a recently deceased woman, where personal belongings are being sorted and removed. This process brings attention to the space left behind by us when are gone. Imbuing the flat with a surreal quality as bodily forms inhabit the space. By grappling with mortality in this context, Rogers allows for an objective exploration of aging bodily properties, and the disconnect in place between society and those who these appear upon.

. Their love for physical media informs their method of translating photographic images into works of a similar scale, capturing the original qualities in a painterly style. Instillation is also at the heart of this showcase bringing to life doilies, taxidermy and felting, allowing the typical content of “charity shop tat” to be examined in a fine art context. In an era where exhibitions often emphasize that they are "not your grandmother's" show, Rogers' exhibit provocatively asks, "So what if this is?"


An Inherent Sense of Whimsy